Monday, November 10, 2014

Why? (Is It Really a Dangerous Question?)

There are some things in life that we will never understand.  So it's better to just let things be and not ask the question, "Why?" But is that really always the case?  I completely understand the belief behind this line of thinking and I certainly see why people believe there's harm in asking, "Why did this happen?" (or something along those lines).  Some people would say that this is one of the "most dangerous" questions we can ask, especially as Christians.  That's right; a lot of Christians believe asking "why?" will lead you to a road of doubt in God.  They'll "quote" (see what I did there?) verses like, "We hear only in part and see only in part." or "Gods ways are higher than ours.  That's why this [blank] happened." or "You can't please God without faith.  So don't ask why."  Sure you can find all these thoughts/verses in the bible but is "why?" a question we can't handle?  Is "why?" a question God can't handle?

First of all, God is a "big boy" I think He can handle anything thrown at Him.  Second, I think a lot of us have been looking at this all wrong.  Many times to not ask "why?" means to bottle it up inside and not deal with the issue.  When is that ever healthy in life personally?  When is that ever healthy in a relationship?  When we bottle things up, they tend to eventually explode causing more damage than they should have. 

To the people who vehemently adhere to the life motto of "Never ask God 'Why' because it's not faith.  That's not what a healthy relationship looks like"  I would like to point out the following:

"WHY do You stand afar off, O LORD? WHY do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?" Psalm 10:1
"My God, my God, WHY have You forsaken me? Far from my deliverance are the words of my groaning." Psalm 22:1

"WHY do You hide Your face And forget our affliction and our oppression?" Psalm 44:24 

"O LORD, WHY do You reject my soul? WHY do You hide Your face from me?" Psalm 88:14   In my opinion, I don't think we can always get to the, "I said to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.'" (Psalm 16:2) without first allowing ourselves the "why", the grief.  I'm not foolish enough to believe that every single "why" in life will be answered.  Believe me, I have plenty of "why's" about things that just seem so unjust, so terrible.  But I think God can handle them.  And I and my relationship with God will come out on the other side better for not bottling things up.  I hope this helped you even a little bit.  Life is really difficult at times and unanswered questions don't help.  But I believe life WILL get better!  Life WILL get good!  We WILL see it!   

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